
I Gray Consulting LTD

Inspire, Advise and Deliver

Strategic Development and Management

Who Are We?

What Do We Do?

Ian Gray has over 25 years experience in major Regeneration, Redevelopment and Economic Development. This experience has been gained in both the Public and Private Sectors at all levels of Leadership and Managment within a wide variety of organisations. These organisations have included Property Development Companies; Leading Business, Development and Professional Services Consultancies; Regional Development Agencies; Local Authorities; Government Departments; Joint Ventures; Public Private Initiatives; and Charitable Foundations.



Strategic Management of Major Development Programmes and Projects; Interim Management of Departments and Teams; Mentoring and Leadership Support.



Evaluation and Analysis of Concepts, Masterplans, and Development Schemes; Assessing Programme Development and Implementation



Provision of Development and Funding Input into Programme and Project Concepts; Analysis of Operational and Business Plans; and Review of Delivery Functions and Structures.



Leading and Supporting the Consultation with and Engagement of Key Stakeholders to Develop and Deliver Projects and Programmes.

I was the Director of Programme Delivery Managing the £2 Billion Growth Deal Programme. This included a Critical Programme Review, establishing a Portfolio Managment Approach and the realignment of resources and structures to ensure effective delivery. I worked extensively with Delivery Partners, Sponsor Agencies and Internal Teams.

As Director of Economy and Environment, I led a service Directorate with over 450 Staff managing the areas of Regeneration and Business; Planning and Highways; Housing and the Environment; Corporate Assets and Facilities; and Corporate Projects.

Operating in the Public Sector Advisory Teams, I undertook signiifcant projects for clients in Central and Local Government; Financial Institutions; Property Developers; Major Landowners; Charities and Sports Governing Bodies. Work included the development of National Initiatives; reviewing and adjusting Borough wide regeneration programmes; and influencing the investment of International Funding into the Leisure Sector.

Working in the Infrastructure and Government business stream, I led and supported a number of key commissions for reviewing Government Departments; devising regeneration strategies and masterplans; creating operational/business plans; and promoting major redevelopment schemes.

As a National Director specialising in Planning and Development Consultancy, I led teams in Manchester and Leeds working for National and Regional Clients across Private and Public Sectors. These included Govenment Agencies; Local Government; Property Funders and Investors; Single Purpose Ventures; and Financial Institutions.

As the Managing Director of the Joint Venture, I was responsible for the development and asset management of the 550 acre brownfield regeneration scheme in the Aire Valley Enterprise Zone, East Leeds. I led the ground condition review; devised the scheme concept and masterplan; and inputted into the commercial analysis.


Strategic Management and Leadership; Review and Evaluation; Scheme Development and Feasibility; Interim Management; Commercial Analysis and Stakeholder Engagement.


Contact Us

Eden Cottage, Quarry Lane, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, North Yorkshire



+44 (0)7540 671794


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